
Friday, July 8, 2011

Hello, Welcome To Life

I express my deepest regrets for not having introduced myself properly, I am John Smith. No, not really, but I was told by someone long ago and far away, that putting your real identity on the internet was a bad thing. She (or he) was very vague as to why it was bad or what the consequences were. However he (or she), made it very clear it was an incredibly bad thing to do, and since I, John  B. Smith, am not the most versed in these matters, decided to take her word for it.  So for your sake or mine, I do not know which, I will refer to myself as Mr. Smith for I am pretty sure I am male, and doubt that that information could have any possible negative implications. I am not like the Mr. Smith from the Matrix however. It is true I am cynical, cruel, manipulative and slightly insane, but I lack the intimidation........that was a joke, haha. Okay, back to me. I have recently graduated from the second grade and enjoy the pleasures of literature and music. I specifically enjoy the ballads of Mr. Dylan, Bob Dylan that is. In fact I am currently listening to Highway 61 at 2,000+ decibels in my wonderfully small apartment over looking nowhere. My hobbies enjoy causing people to experience aphasia, which is a great word to break the ice at parties, or the windows. I am depressed, not like you or anyone else cares. I will be maintaining this blog as a new way to distract me from the nuisances of existence. previously I was addicted to several video games, but no more. Now I plan to workout, paint, read and blog. I like to run and can do a mile in a pretty decent time. Unfortunately I have gone soft since I found out my right leg is longer than my left. Apparently this is bad for running. So I must wait until the guy with the degree fixes it. Until then I am gaining fat. I am also plagued by insomnia.....................................................

Okay enough of my problems, I will be posting about life the universe and everything here. Mostly best of the web and my two cents worth. Except I generally charge 12$ for my thoughts so you are very lucky to get it here for free.........I highly doubt anybody here will read anything from this site. In fact I'll bet money on it. I might get one creepy stalker from Iowa, but probably no one else. This is mostly for my benefit, and will be more used as a tool to sharpen my writing skillz then as a public reading hotspot. For now I most go, I bid thee farewell you nonexistent reader.

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