
Tuesday, July 12, 2011


85% of all Americans believe they could write a bestselling book if they had the time. 2% do.

 Good, everyone likes an odd statistic. Here's another:
 96.5% of all statistics are made up on the spot, and 19.7% of all people believe them whether they are accurate statistics or not.

I have no idea where this odd notion that everyone can be an author came from, but I bet you think you can do it.....I know for darn sure I think I can.  Most people also believe themselves to be extremely intelligent. If you don't believe me ask anyone randomly, "are you smart?", everyone says yes. Ask the same person how many other people they believe to be as smart as they are. The usual  response is usually "a few" or a "couple", maybe a "handful". If asked for a rough statistic, they say 5%. This is an average. Your average person claims to be bad at math and have a great vocabulary or visa versa. So I composed this test to see just how smart you are. Be honest, no search engines please. Try to finish it in under a minute , it is strictly mental. No paper, just go through it quickly.

 If you get more than half right quit your day job and sign up for NASA. 

What does Aphasia mean?

Who was the first impeached President? (of the United States)

Who is the current prime minister of England?

When is it called England, and when is it called Great Britain? What about the U.K.?

Did I spell "assasinate" correctly?

Is my punctuation correct in #4?

45% of 67?

18 times 4.5?

How many questions are we at?

Capital of Iraq?

Most common character/story in all collective movies?

Translate "chronically unlucky" into any language officially recognized by the U.N

Translate this page into either binary, html or javascript. 

What did Charles Derudio do?

Most watched sport in the U.S?

Most watched sport internationally?

What percentage of Americans think they can write a best selling book?

Why is it called America?

In the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, is "Hanging" a verb or an adjective, or both, and if both what do you call it?

"old man in a base" is an anagram for which famous religious extremist? 

8.66717860986349085 is what classification of number?

Obviously I am not hitting all topics, but it is an overall test for simple knowledge.
Here are the answers:

loss of understanding of language, Andrew Johnson, David Cameron, England is the country itself-Great Britain refers to the actual name of the island-U.K refers to the countries in the area that signed the "act of union" in 1536 and later, no-2 sets of double s's, no comma needed before the word "and", 30.15, 81, 7, Tehran, Robin Hood:156 movies and counting, schlemiel in Yiddish-although any will work, just asking if you could-it would take more than a minute to do, to much to type-look here, Football, Futbol (soccer), 85%, Amerigo Vespucci hit Brazil in 1500 AD in the name of Spain and published his exploration, the first to do so in regard to the new continent-So the map taker took the female version of his first name, better than Vespucciland, Christopherton or  Columbusville. Its both, a participle. Osama Bin Laden (or "bold mean Asian"), irrational. 

This is not proof you are not intelligent, but a reality check. 90% of people will get 1 or less right. 5% will get all of them correct. I bet you are somewhere in the middle, I know I was, I had to look up some of these after writing them.  It is also possible you are an expert in ancient extinct insects and have an I.Q of 200+ but got all of these wrong. Counterwise you could know nothing but a little bit of trivia and by pure luck got them all right. I just wanted to make a point. Every person is your superior in some way, and you can learn from him. 

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