
Friday, July 15, 2011

All The President's Men

As I sit here I am vibrating uncontrollably from the 6.5 cups of coffee I have just gulped down that were spiked with methamphetamines. Not to mention the 35 energy drinks, but after 2 or 3 I have hit the max amount of craziness a person can achieve, the other 32-33 just kind of fizzle out. In fact it has taken me less than half a second to type this far. So as this highly abnormal buzz is rattling my thought patterns, I might as well rant about something no one will read or care about. TRICKY DICK.

Who is your favorite president?

Why that would have to be Nixon.

Yes I think Nixon was a great president, no I am not a republican, I am a johnist. Here are my reasons
Women's Rights
I don't know, maybe the whole INTEGRATION thing.
The ERA (Equal rights Amendment)
Clean Air and Water Acts

These are the pro's. Now for the cons:  
Leaving the gold standard

Okay, let's review. President Richard Milhous Nixon made amazing progress for the environment and civil rights.  He saw to legalized abortion and NASA. He was a little paranoid of communists, marijuana and political assignation attempts on his life. He believed everyone and everybody was out to get him. This obviously does not excuse, but does explain, some of his actions. He had some weird conspiracy theories involving Jewish people, ivy leaguers, and his cabinet. Also, on Watergate: this was illegal because the patriot act hadn't been passed yet. If he had come along later, or if he was a little more shrewd, It would have been considered a legitimate means of protecting the nation.  I don't advocate the scandal, but today that kind of thing is A-okay. He is definitely not the worse president that has wormed his way into the power seat of the nation. Now everyone points to Lincoln and the Roosevelts as political and more ballsy superiors .They would be right, but do not forget FDR came up with the insane idea of "deficit spending" aka money we don't have. Also FDR is responsible for the worst act in American history: The Federal Reserve. You can officially blame all of your problems on this. And do not forget executive order 9066. Franklin Delano Roosevelt got a lot done in office but he still made some outrageous mistakes and ran the country like a dictatorship for awhile.  Now my other favorite presidents would be the bad asses like:

 Andrew Jackson,
 who got in more duels than imaginable, gave speeches with bullets in him, charged an armed man with his cane, he won. He also said "I have only two regrets in life: I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang Calhoun."

okay, everyone thinks Clinton was cool for the whole secretary sex thing. However, Kennedy once said "I cannot be satisfied with less than 3 women a day", not like this is the makings of a good president, but still. JFK's sexual conquests are rumored to have included Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Jayne Mansfield, Angie Dickinson and some foreign actresses. In the Navy. Kennedy's boat was ripped in two by a Japanese attack ship. Despite back injuries, Kennedy managed to swim four hours to safety while towing an injured crewman by the life jacket strap with his teeth. Yes, his teeth. Not to mention the unbelievable "Fuck  Off" to the USSR when they set Cuba up with nuclear warheads and claimed they were crazy enough to do it. JFK played the most crazy game of chicken in history. He won. 

Teddy Roosevelt was a great president and an all time bad ass. He kept a pet bear and lion in the white house which he used for negations and interrogations. He was shot on his way to a speech and gave the speech anyway while the blood flowed out of the wound where the bullet still resided, he was brought to the hospital after he signed a few autographs. Charging hills and running marathons at 55. A great soldier and martial artist and boxer. I feel sorry for San Juan hill.  Quick sand got caught in him. He discovered a river in the Amazon and hunted lions with a knife in Africa. A knife. He died peacefully in his sleep because, according to Vice President Thomas Marshall, "Death had to take him sleeping, for if Roosevelt had been awake there would have been a fight".

On a side note: Quincy Adams swam the width of the Potomac every morning naked at the age of 58 and had a pet alligator.

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