
Saturday, June 4, 2011

North Korea

So......I was just wondering, have you ever heard of Kim Jong II? That crazy short piece of cellulite that runs North Korea (here is a link to their wonderfully propaganda filled website) who plays God? I have a picture with him here in case you are unfamiliar with "him".
(I added a magnified image in case you cant quite make him out, I know its a small picture but I went for a flattering one)
If I seem a little harsh against  Kim, it would probably be because he likes to run over clergy members with a steam roller. On more light hearted note, bordering comical, North K asked china for aid in 2005 and China sent N.K several trains fully loaded with medical supplies and food. The People's Republic gratefully took the supplies........and the trains. They sent back the Chinese train operators walking on foot. They still have the trains insisting that it was part of the aid program. China denies this. However, perhaps I have no place criticizing the good old DPR. I mean they are ranked the second happiest place in the world after all. With China being number 1. I believe Iran and Kazakhstan rank highly to.  Oddly enough South Korea is second to last with Uncle Sam's home land being the most desolate and miserable place to inhabit. Of course North Korea made the list up themselves but I think it would be an incredibly outrageous step to call this propaganda. Obviously real research went into this, because IF it was propaganda wouldn't North Korea put themselves on top? Nah, this has to be legit. So everyone pack up and let's go move to China, Iran, and North Korea. The Happy Lands. 

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