
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Here I am again. Writing to no one for no reason. Without talent or skill or initiative, mortal and a sinner. I write cynically and with arrogance. When I talk I talk and not listen. I wait for you to finish and my turn to talk instead of really hearing what you are saying. I like to do just like the rest, I like my sugar sweet. If you meet me have some sympathy and some taste. I have principles and not morals. I listen to music and I lie. I am flawed but not as much as everyone else. I once met someone famous. I am a modern man. I will show the world I am unique and great and different, just like everyone else. I am intelligent and strong. I think and feel but on a deeper level than you. I know hard times. I have idiosyncrasies and I read up on current events. I am aware of that, and I know I can tell that joke better than you but I have enough tact not to say so. I'm Henry the VII I am. I am the walrus. I have a conspiracy theory, I vote. I am just like you and him and her. I am alive and a societarian. I make a moderate salary and have good tastes and recognize quality. I have a divorced wife and 2.5 kids. I mix up stalagmite and stalactite. I can't dance, sing or paint. I can balance a check book. I hate crime and am pro-something. I want to save the environment in the NIMBY sense. I can upload and downgrade, I can emphasize and procrastinate. I go to bed at 10:00 and wake up at 6:00. I work from 8:00 to 5:00. I buy from this brand and watch my porn from that site. I have 2 cups of coffee daily and 2 shots of something heavy on Friday and Monday. I can run but don't like to. I do what I do and live like I am told to.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'm claustrophobic, I do not wan't school to start with the same ferocity that John Birch wanted all communists to die painful, slow deaths. I feel as if I need to do something. AND GOD DAMN IT I WILL. I WILL NOT HAVE THIS SHORT SUMMER END IN FUCKING REGRET AND BOREDOM. As I have always said, "some people are born with talent and others are not, those who are not have 2 options.....give up OR go find talent, beat the SHIT out of it and become great anyway". So I will become buff. This is meant to be serious. I have less than 30 days but I will have a six pack. This may seem good enough but one look at me will reveal I do not seem buffable. I'm not obese or anything it's just people seem to like me better the less muscular I am. It would appear as if I don't have the genes to be fit. Just like how some people look better with glasses, the general consensus is I would look better the farther from shape I am. well all I have to say to that is: FUCK YOU. I love to run because I think it's fun. According to Webster, this is the definition of insanity. But I love to jog and sprint and go the extra thousand miles in the bitter cold with ankle weights in waist deep water while dragging a fully loaded semi. It's fun. However, for the last 4 months I have been unallowed to run due to medical complications. That is now over. So I plan to burn all my fat and replace it with solid unbreakable titanium. I am going to kill society's hold on me and become the metaphorical offspring of Tyler Durden and King Leonidas.
